Shidokan Day After The Animation is a new work by Pink Pineapple Studio and director Kuramori Rokurou, which was released in late April 2021. Hentai is based on the manga of the same name by BANG-YOU. The main character of hentai works as a trainer Misato Kammon, whom he hates with all his heart. She has represented Japan in track and field competitions for many years. Misato is smart, beautiful, and has an incredibly gorgeous body. One day, the …Year: 2021 Year.Source: MangaGenre: Big tits, Oral sexDuration: 2ep. 25min.language: SubbedQuality: WEB-720PXRelease date: 30.04.2021Original name: 指導姦 Day after THE ANIMATIONEnglish name: Shidoukan Day After The AnimationDirector: Kuramori RokurouStudio: PinkPineapple