Tooi Kimi ni, Boku wa Todokanai is the first hentai anime adaptation of the manga of the same name from the fairly popular online author Futamine Kobito. The manga was released as a large tankobon in 2020, and individual stories were published in the monthly “COMIC AOHA” from July 2019. At the moment, 2 full-fledged OVA episodes are planned. The production will be handled by the notorious Queen Bee studio. Hentai tells the story of a very …Year: 2021 Year.Source: MangaGenre: Big tits, Oral sex, Netorare, Ahegao, Anal sex, BukakkeDuration: 2ep. 25min.language: SubbedRelease date: 26.03.2021Original name: 遠い君に, 僕は届かないEnglish name: Tooi Kimi ni, Boku wa TodokanaiStudio: Queen Bee