Studio Main and director HB announced the hentai anime adaptation of “Usamimi Bouken-tan: Sekuhara Shinagawa Sekai o Sukuu” of the same name RPG video game authored by studio Loser/s. Hentai is scheduled for the end of August 2021. The plot of the classic “popadanets” – the hero gets into a mysterious fantasy world, he is met by a sexy girl with rabbit ears, who declares that he is a hero-savior. However, saving the world is not such a simple matter, especially when the main character’s libido is off the scale, and the companions are all sexual idols from his lustful fantasies…Year: 2021 Year.Release date: 2021/08/27Source: Vn GameGenre: Fantasy, NekomimiQuality: WEB-720PXlanguage: SubbedEnglish name: Usamimi Bouken-tan: Sekuhara Shinagara Sekai o SukueOriginal name: うさみみボウケンタン~セクハラしながら世界を救え~ 第一話 異世界転生は突然に! うさ耳少女とセクハラ勇者Director: HBStudio: Majin